World Chronicle

Citizen journalists, thinkers, creators and everyday people chronicling the history of the world in real time.

It's the one stop for many of your online activities! Keeping up with actual friends and family, networking and job seeking, posting self-signed or pseudonym comments, maintaining a personal blog, or self-publishing content (document, video & audio) to earn money.

Anyone can be a publisher sharing opinions, photos, recipes and family posts, or professionals seeking to cultivate an intelligent audience for their words or media. As a publisher you'll enjoy great freedoms and protections, but along with that comes certain responsibilities.

All content has a limited lifespan from 2 weeks up to 5 years which discourages trolls from digging into your past. We will never exploit our members’ privacy or data, and never censor topics, messages or members. You have complete control over searching and viewing content.

You’ll have private timelines for family members, friends and colleagues. And you'll be able to participate in timelines with all members over a wide variety of subjects and interests.

Registering as Writer, Director or Publisher allows you to monetize your documents, videos or audios as premium content where we bill your subscribers monthly and directly deposit your proceeds once a month.

Content moderation is the responsibility of each member.

But we make it as easy and fair as possible!

  • A member posting content creates and owns an open-ended copyrighted document. Any comment made on it becomes the property of the creator. If some member posts an objectionable comment, and still another member flags it for review, it is the creator's responsibility to moderate that comment. Either to keep or delete that comment.

  • If the open-ended copyrighted document itself is flagged a group of three peer members will review the complaint and vote on its validity.

  • Flagging content requires that a member select an infraction from a list and write a justification for the flag. If the complaint is adjudicated to be true the content will be deleted. However, if the complaint is adjudicated as false then the complainant is given a false flag. Three false flags and the complainant will lose the privilege to flag content.

Basic: Free

Basic is free access to create, view and comment on articles with only keyword driven ads. There's no AI or online/offline tracking. You can write a post to family, friends, followers or everyone. Share a delicious recipe, write a review on any topic, or schedule an event. Participate in a network dedicated to business and careers, and even list your pseudonym resume. You can also create and maintain a personal blog! Posting snarky comments using your pseudonym is allowed, but not sock puppeting, so don't get carried away. People can always block you, but they can't cancel you.

Basic-Plus: only $-.-- per month

Basic-Plus is Basic without the ads and with the additional benefits of gaining access to the marketplace exchange and classified ads. Only Basic Plus members can subscribe to premium content.

Writer: $-.-- per month

Aspiring writers, in addition to Basic-Plus services, can publish daily news reports, weekly columns, biweekly newsletters or monthly magazines. Charge subscribers a monthly access fee based upon how often you publish content during a month. It includes a service for billing subscribers.

Director: $-.-- a month

Media content creators, in addition to Basic-Plus services, can upload original videos and audio including music, podcasts, comedy and dramas. Charge subscribers a monthly access fee for premium quality content. It includes a service for billing subscribers.

Event Planner: $-.-- per month

In addition to Basic Plus Event Planners have the ability to create and manage events for local, state wide and national venues. You can organize free or paid events.

Recruiter $-.-- per month

In addition to Basic Plus Recruiter have the ability to post job listings and manage candidates including searching, interviews and offers.

Publisher: only $-.-- a month

Be a writer and a director and save.

World Chronicle TV: Free --- Coming soon

World is free advertising supported TV channel operating with a regular broadcast schedule. We're aiming to provide a wide range of quality shows interwoven into an overall theme each day. Commercials breaks are limited to only six minutes an hour.

Producer: $-.-- a month

For all producers/owners of TV shows, game shows, movies, of pilots that weren't picked up, or cancelled shows(especially from the 50s & 60s) you can upload your content for scheduled broadcast on our streaming TV system World Chronicle.TV. Advertising gross revenues are split 70/30 favoring the content owners.


Prices for on-demand content vary by format(document, video, music or podcast), and popularity measured by views.
Prices vary based for scheduled broadcast content popularity, by time of day, and day of week, and length of ad.

  • Create display ads for on-demand document centric content
  • Upload video ads of 15s, 30s or 60s for on-demand video centric content
  • Upload audio ads of 30s, 1m or 2m for on-demand music and podcast content
  • Upload commercials of 30s to 60s for TV shows and Movies as scheduled broadcast content. Commercials are limited to 6 minutes an hour.

It's free to use during our alpha testing.
The database is reset monthly until beta testing starts
Copyright © 2023, Jeffery S. Crump - Version 0.9 ALPHA
Selected photographs by Pexels contributers Anna Shvets, Mikhail Nilov, Rodnae Productions, Tima Miroshnichenko & Tracy Le-Blanc. Globe Image courtesy of Psd Files Free